Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Do you have kids? Do you have abortions?

This really gets my goat. Women go around judging the character of men with children. Some situations I'm like ok. So Tyrone got 5 kids with 4 different women. Alright, Tyrones character may be fair game.

Generally speaking however, if you are a woman finding out a man has a child with a woman he is not married too chill the fuck out with the judging. It's one thing if you want nothing to do with the man. You may have always dreamed of starting your own family and not having a ready made one, being the man's first so to speak. Or maybe you just don't like kids or the typical drama associated with a baby's mother. Maybe you are not at that point in your life. All those are legitimate reasons to not want to be in relationships with a man that has a child.

But judging the dudes character? Coming out your mouth with some shit like he left the woman with his child why wouldnt he leave me? He's irresponsible. He's a dead beat. He's not a real man. Or coming out your mouth with some equally ignorant variant of the above arguments? Please stfu. You have abortions. And but for the grace of god 5 Supreme Court justices, there goes you.

Yeah I said it. That ish is a taboo topic no one likes to talk about. Privacy laws build a nice little safe haven for women who like to throw rocks and hide their hand. So before you go in on the character of a man who happens to have child, think about your own character and what those abortion(s) say about you.

Did you keep that ish secret from everyone in the whole wide world including the father? Damn, I guess that means she is sneaky and doesn't respect the role of men in the family structure. Did you get a couple of them? Guess that means she is a slut that likes to avoid consequences. Does it eat you up inside? Must mean she got deep seeded issues and should be avoided like the plague!!

No. We don't go there. And for good reason. Alot of speculation goes with those character judgments. And while a man's child is visible and makes him an easy target, what if you did open up to a man about your run ins with roe v wade and he were to judge your character. It wouldnt be nice. So chill with the character attacks women, lest you be judged. And if you dont have abortions, cool, take this cookie. Like I believe you


  1. WOW! I'm speechless with this post. Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

  2. I completely agree with this. If you're knocking boots kids result, whether we choose to take responsibility or the sneaky way out...the fact is you aren't going sex it up 8,9,10-20 years and a baby didn't get fertilized at some point. The best practice is abstinence, but who believes in that anymore besides Jesus and a handful of holdouts (raising hand quietly in the back). So I agree.
